Internet explorer ignores flash mms.cfg settings Internet explorer ignores flash mms.cfg settings windows windows

Internet explorer ignores flash mms.cfg settings

I tested this on Windows 10 Enterprise 10.0.19041 and Flash Player with same results.

I then ran Windows updates which installed Flash Player

This version respected mms.cfg settings as expected.

My mms.cfg was placed in %windir%\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash and %windir%\System32\Macromed\Flash

and it looks like this:


Also, having played around with different dates I've determined the cut off date to be 01/12/2021.

Take a loot at article here

Basically, try change the properties names:

  • EnableAllowList into EnableWhiteList
  • AllowlistPreview into WhitelistPreview
  • AllowListUrlPattern into WhitelistUrlPattern

I was having the same problem in IE 11 and found the answer at the this page.

In short, using the EnableWhitelist, WhitelistPreview, WhitelistUrlPattern flags instead of EnableAllowList, AllowListPreview, AllowListUrlPattern in the mms.cfg file worked for me.

My mms.cfg file is in below path:

