Is it possible to determine which process starts my .Net application? Is it possible to determine which process starts my .Net application? windows windows

Is it possible to determine which process starts my .Net application?

Process this_process = Process.GetCurrentProcess();int parent_pid = 0;using (ManagementObject MgmtObj = new ManagementObject("win32_process.handle='" + this_process.Id.ToString() + "'")){    MgmtObj.Get();    parent_pid = Convert.ToInt32(MgmtObj["ParentProcessId"]);}string parent_process_name = Process.GetProcessById(parent_pid).ProcessName;

The CreateToolhelp32Snapshot Function has a Process32First method that will allow you to read a PROCESSENTRY32 Structure. The structure has a property that will get you the information you want:

th32ParentProcessID - The identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).

This article will help you get started using the ToolHelpSnapshot function:

One issue with the ToolHelp/ManagementObject approaches is that the parent process could already have exited.

The GetStartupInfo Win32 function (use PInvoke if there's no .NET equivalent) fills in a structure that includes the window title. For a Win32 console application "app.exe", this title string is "app" when started from cmd and "c:\full\path\to\app.exe" when started from explorer (or the VS debugger).

Of course this is a hack (subject to change in other versions, etc.).

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN#include <windows.h>int main(){  STARTUPINFO si;  GetStartupInfo(&si);  MessageBox(NULL, si.lpTitle, NULL, MB_OK);  return 0;}