Is there really any way to uniquely identify any computer at all Is there really any way to uniquely identify any computer at all windows windows

Is there really any way to uniquely identify any computer at all

How about adding motherboard serial number as well e.g.:

using;//Code for retrieving motherboard's serial numberManagementObjectSearcher MOS = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_BaseBoard");foreach (ManagementObject getserial in MOS.Get()){textBox1.Text = getserial["SerialNumber"].ToString();}//Code for retrieving Processor's IdentityMOS = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_processor");foreach (ManagementObject getPID in MOS.Get()){textBox2.Text = getPID["ProcessorID"].ToString();}//Code for retrieving Network Adapter ConfigurationMOS = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * From Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration");foreach (ManagementObject mac in MOS.Get()){textBox3.Text = mac["MACAddress"].ToString();}

The fact in getting a globally unique ID is, only MAC address is the ID that will not change if you set up your system all over. IF you are generating a key for a specific product, the best way to do it is assigning unique IDs for products and combining the product ID with MAC address. Hope it helps.

I Completely agree with just the above comment.

For Software licensening, you can use:

Computer MAC Address (Take all if multiple NIC Card) + Your software Product Code

Most of the renowned telecom vendor is using this technique.