Java 6 Update 25 VM crash: insufficient memory Java 6 Update 25 VM crash: insufficient memory windows windows

Java 6 Update 25 VM crash: insufficient memory

2GB on 32-bit JVM on Windows is incorrect.

Since you are on Windows-XP you are stuck with a 32 bit JVM.

The max heap is 1.5GB on 32 bit VM on Windows. You are at 1412MB to begin with without threads. Did you try decreasing the swap stack size -Xss, and have you tried eliminating the PermSize allocated initially: -XX:PermSize=128m? Sounds like this is an eclipse problem, not a memory-problem per-se.

Can you move to a newer JVM or different (64-bit) JVM on a different machine? Even if you are targeting windows-XP there is no reason to develop on it, unless you HAVE to. Eclipse can run, debug and deploy code on remote machines easily.

Eclipse's JVM can be different then the JVM of things you run in or with eclipse. Eclipse is a memory pig. You can eliminate unnecessary eclipse plug-ins to use less eclipse memory, it comes with things out of the box you probably don't need or want.

Try to null out references (to eliminate circularly un-collectible GC objects), re-use allocated memory, use singletons, and profile your memory usage to eliminate unnecessary objects, references and allocations. Additional tips:

  • Prefer static memory allocation, i.e allocate once per VM as opposedto dynamically.
  • Avoid creation of temporary objects within functions - consider a reset() method which can allow the object to reused
  • Avoid String mutations and mutation of auto boxed types.

I think that @ggb667 has nailed it with the reason your JVM is crashing. 32-bit Windows architectural constraints limit the available RAM for a Java application to 1.5GB1 ... not 2GB as you surmised. Also, you have neglected to include the address space occupied by the code segment of the executable, shared libraries, the native heap, and "other things".

Basically, this is not a JVM bug. You are simply running against the limitations of your hardware and operating system.

There is a possible solution in the form of PAE (Physical Address Extension) support in some versions of Windows. According to the link, Windows XP with PAE makes available up to 4GB of usable address spaces to user processes. However, there are caveats about device driver support.

Another possible solution is to reduce the max heap size, and do other things to reduce the application's memory utilization; e.g. in Eclipse reduce the number of "open" projects in your workspace.

See also: Java maximum memory on Windows XP

1 - Different sources say different things about the actual limit, but it is significantly less than 2GB. To be frank, it doesn't matter what the actual limit is.

In an ideal world this question should no longer be of practical interest to anyone. In 2020:

  • You shouldn't be running Windows XP. It has been end of life since April 2014
  • You shouldn't be running Java 6. It has been end of life since April 2013
  • If you are still running Java 6, you should be at the last public patch release: 1.6.0_45. (Or a later 1.6 non-public release if you have / had a support contract.)

Either way, you should not be running Eclipse on this system. Seriously, you can get a new 64-bit machine for a few hundred dollars with more memory, etc that will allow you to run an up-to-date operating system and an up-to-date Java release. You should use that to run Eclipse.

If you really need to do Java development on an old 32-bit machine with an old version of Java (because you can't afford a newer machine) you would be advised to use a simple text editor and the Java 6 JDK command line tools (and a 3rd-party Java build tool like Ant, Maven, Gradle).

Finally, if you are still trying to run / maintain Java software that is stuck on Java 6, you should really be trying to get out of that hole. Life is only going to get harder for you:

  • If the Java 6 software was developed in-house or you have source code, port it.
  • If you depend on proprietary software that is stuck on Java 6, look for a new vendor.
  • If management says no, put it to them that they may need to "turn it off".

You / your organization should have dealt with this issue this SEVEN years ago.

I stumbled upon a similar problem at work. We had set -Xmx65536M for our application but kept getting exactly the same kind of errors. The funny thing is that the errors happened always at a time when our application was actually doing pretty lightweight calculations, relatively speaking, and was thus nowhere near this limit.

We found a possible solution for the problem online: , and it seemed to solve our problem. After lowering -Xmx to 50G, we've had none of these issues.

What actually happens in the case is still somewhat unclear to us.