Jenkins: Running remote test scripts and reporting results Jenkins: Running remote test scripts and reporting results windows windows

Jenkins: Running remote test scripts and reporting results

Since your builds are done on the master, I'm assuming you are going to require this:

I would try something like this:

  • Create Job # 1 that builds your application/program/library/whatever else.

  • Create Job #2

    • Use this job and the above plugin to copy over the resultant files over to the test slave
    • Use this job to install the artifacts that were copied over by job #1 using the "Windows Batch Command" build step.
    • Use this job to run your tests
  • Use the "Build other projects" option under "Post build actions" in Job #1 to trigger Job #2. This can be a multi-configuration project, so you can pick multiple slaves for it.

This way, anytime you start Job #1, and it is successful, #2 will be triggered, and it will copy over files, install them, and start the test.

Two things I've assumed here: your software can be installed via command line, and that it can be installed without human intervention, or at least using some sort of script.

You might also find Jenkins/Hudson creator Kohsuke Kawaguchi's new white paper helpful...7 Ways to Optimize Jenkins