local LDAP server for development on windows 7 local LDAP server for development on windows 7 windows windows

local LDAP server for development on windows 7

ADAM is now called Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services, and was just published in a Windows 7 version, too - download it here:


AD LDS is the best solution for local LDAP development - it allows you to start and stop your AD instances at will (it runs as a Windows service), and you can even have multiple copies running.

Check out more about AD LDS in Technet or MSDN library

For those who are using Windows-8, the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD - LDS) is part of windows feature and we need to turn that feature on.

Following is the link to do so. (look into "To install AD LDS on Windows 8" section)


Following is the link how we can create instance of AD-LDS.


For creating users and groups and other operation use below link:


And finally to integrate the AD - LDS with MVC below link shall be helpful

authentificate asp.net mvc 5 application from adlds instance

Apache has recently released a new version of ApacheDS, their LDAPv3 compliant server.
