make problem with mingw make problem with mingw windows windows

make problem with mingw

Use this command to find out which one you're running:

for %i in (make.exe) do @echo. %~$PATH:i

It's basically the equivalent of which for Windows, assuming you know the extension. If you want a script that will check all extensions, you can find it here.

As pointed out in a comment by Chris, latter versions of Windows (Vista, 2003 Server, and Win7, I think) actually have a real equivalent called where, which may be better. Those of us still stuck back on XP can use the command above (or the big script at the other end of that link).

Are you sure there is no make ? Once do "where make" to confirm this and check the entries you get under C:\mingW\bin. Hopefully you will get a entry mingw-32-make.exe or something like that.

All you need to do is rename (better create a copy and rename) this exe as make.exe and if you have already added the environment variable of this path then you may now be able to issue make command happily under mingw.

The same is already done for g++,gcc, etc. They might have conveniently left make the way it is. Hope this helps