Malformed dumpfile header when migrating repository from Windows to Linux (encoding issue?) Malformed dumpfile header when migrating repository from Windows to Linux (encoding issue?) windows windows

Malformed dumpfile header when migrating repository from Windows to Linux (encoding issue?)

This answer came from comments by the user kostix on my question.

The issue was that I was using PowerShell to create the dump file. When I switched to using vanilla Command Prompt in Windows, the issue resolves. As pointed out, PowerShell automatically outputs UCS-2 files through pipelines or shell output files, and Linux didn't like that character encoding.

If you are getting error svnadmin: E140001: Malformed dumpfile header '?\FF?\FES'

Windows SVN dump does not work on Linux SVN if you took backup using PowerShell, I would recommend using vanilla Command Prompt(default) in Windows, It will 10 times faster then PowerShell as well to take dump backup.

svnadmin dump /repository_name > backup_svn.dump