Maven: mvn command not found Maven: mvn command not found windows windows

Maven: mvn command not found

If you are on windows, what i suppose you need to do set the PATH like this:


furthermore i assume you need to set your path to something like C:...\apache-maven-3.0.3\ cause this is the default folder for the windows archive.On the other i assume you need to add the path of maven to your and not set it to only maven so you setting should look like this:


I tried solutions from other threads. Adding M2 and M2_HOME at System variables, and even at User variables. Running cmd as admin. None of the methods worked.

But today I added entire path to maven bin to my System variables "PATH" (C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\apache-maven-3.1.0\bin) besides other paths, and so far it's working good. Hopefully it'll stay that way.

I followed this tutorial: How to install Maven on Windows

But running mvn -version, I still got:

mvn: command not found

So, I closed the current git window, and opened a new one.Everything went okay :)