Memory leak when using package XML on Windows Memory leak when using package XML on Windows windows windows

Memory leak when using package XML on Windows

Whilst it is still in its infancy (only a couple of months old!), and has a few quirks, Hadley Wickham has written a library for XML parsing, xml2, that can be found on Github at It is restricted to reading rather than writing XML, but for parsing XML I've been experimenting and it looks like it will do the job, without the memory leaks of the xml package! It provides functions including:

  • read_xml() to read an XML file
  • xml_children() to get the child nodes of a node
  • xml_text() to get the text within a tag
  • xml_attrs() to get a character vector of the attributes and values of a node, that can be cast to a named list with as.list()

Note that you still need to ensure that you rm() the XML node objects after you're done with them, and force a garbage collection with gc(), but the memory then does actually get released to the O/S (Disclaimer: Only tested on Windows 7 but this seems to be the most 'memory leaky' platform anyway).

Hope this helps someone!

Following Matthew Wise's answer above for using xml2, I found the function that really releases memory is xml_remove() followed by gc(), not rm().

Nothing really happened since I posted the question, so I thought I'd try to raise attention again.

Here's a slightly updated version of my investigations




getTaskMemoryByPid <- function(  pid = Sys.getpid()) {  cmd <- sprintf("tasklist /FI \"pid eq %s\" /FO csv", pid)  mem <- read.csv(text=shell(cmd, intern = TRUE), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[,5]  mem <- as.numeric(gsub("\\.|\\s|K", "", mem))/1000  mem}  getCurrentMemoryStatus <- function() {  mem_os  <- getTaskMemoryByPid()  mem_r   <- memory.size()  prof_1  <- memory.profile()  list(r = mem_r, os = mem_os, ratio = mem_os/mem_r)}memoryLeak <- function(  x = system.file("exampleData", "mtcars.xml", package="XML"),  n = 10000,  use_text = FALSE,  xpath = FALSE,  free_doc = FALSE,  clean_up = FALSE,  detailed = FALSE,  use_rvest = FALSE,  user_agent = httr::user_agent("Mozilla/5.0")) {  if(use_text) {    x <- readLines(x)  }  ## Before //  prof_1  <- memory.profile()  mem_before <- getCurrentMemoryStatus()  ## Per run //  mem_perrun <- lapply(1:n, function(ii) {    doc <- if (!use_rvest) {      xmlParse(x, asText = use_text)    } else {      if (file.exists(x)) {      ## From disk //                rvest::html(x)        } else {      ## From web //        rvest::html_session(x, user_agent)        }    }    if (xpath) {      res <- xpathApply(doc = doc, path = "/blah", fun = xmlValue)      rm(res)    }    if (free_doc) {      free(doc)    }    rm(doc)    out <- NULL    if (detailed) {      out <- list(        profile = memory.profile(),        size = memory.size()      )    }     out  })  has_perrun <- any(sapply(mem_perrun, length) > 0)  if (!has_perrun) {    mem_perrun <- NULL  }   ## Garbage collect //  mem_gc <- NULL  if(clean_up) {    gc()    tmp <- gc()    mem_gc <- list(gc_mb = tmp["Ncells", "(Mb)"])  }  ## After //  prof_2  <- memory.profile()  mem_after <- getCurrentMemoryStatus()  ## Return value //  if (detailed) {    list(      before = mem_before,       perrun = mem_perrun,       gc = mem_gc,       after = mem_after,       comparison_r = data.frame(        before = prof_1,         after = prof_2,         increase = round((prof_2/prof_1)-1, 4)      ),      increase_r = (mem_after$r/mem_before$r)-1,      increase_os = (mem_after$os/mem_before$os)-1    )  } else {    list(      before_after = data.frame(        r = c(mem_before$r, mem_after$r),        os = c(mem_before$os, mem_after$os)      ),      increase_r = (mem_after$r/mem_before$r)-1,      increase_os = (mem_after$os/mem_before$os)-1    )  }}

Memory status before anything has ever been requested


Generate additional offline example content

s <- html_session("")tmp <- capture.output(httr::content(s$response))write(tmp, file = "hadley.html")# html("hadley.html")s <- html_session(  "",  httr::user_agent("Mozilla/5.0"))tmp <- capture.output(httr::content(s$response))write(tmp, file = "amazon.html")# html("amazon.html")getCurrentMemoryStatus()


################## Mtcars.xml ##################res <- memoryLeak(n = 50000, detailed = FALSE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-1.1.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(n = 50000, clean_up = TRUE, detailed = FALSE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-1.2.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(n = 50000, clean_up = TRUE, free_doc = TRUE, detailed = FALSE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-1.3.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)##################### ####################### Offline //res <- memoryLeak(x = "hadley.html", n = 50000, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-2.1.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = "hadley.html", n = 50000, clean_up = TRUE,   detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-2.2.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = "hadley.html", n = 50000, clean_up = TRUE,     free_doc = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-2.3.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)## Online (PLEASE USE "POLITE" VALUE FOR `n`!!!) //.url <- ""res <- memoryLeak(x = .url, n = 50, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-3.1.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = .url, n = 50, clean_up = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-3.2.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = .url, n = 50, clean_up = TRUE,     free_doc = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-3.3.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)###################### ######################## Offline //res <- memoryLeak(x = "amazon.html", n = 50000, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-4.1.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = "amazon.html", n = 50000, clean_up = TRUE,   detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-4.2.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = "amazon.html", n = 50000, clean_up = TRUE,     free_doc = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-4.3.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)## Online (PLEASE USE "POLITE" VALUE FOR `n`!!!) //.url <- ""res <- memoryLeak(x = .url, n = 50, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-4.1.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = .url, n = 50, clean_up = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-4.2.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)res <- memoryLeak(x = .url, n = 50, clean_up = TRUE,     free_doc = TRUE, detailed = FALSE, use_rvest = TRUE)fpath <- file.path(tempdir(), "memory-profile-4.3.rdata")save(res, file = fpath)