MessageDialog ShowAsync throws accessdenied exception on second dialog MessageDialog ShowAsync throws accessdenied exception on second dialog windows windows

MessageDialog ShowAsync throws accessdenied exception on second dialog

Okay I found a quick solution,

define a IAsyncOperation class varialble

IAsyncOperation<IUICommand> asyncCommand = null;

and set it to the ShowAsync method of MessageDialog

asyncCommand = msg.ShowAsync();

In the command handler for retry/try againcheck if asyncCommand is not null and cancel the last operation if necessary

if(asyncCommand != null){   asyncCommand.Cancel();}

Please let me if there is a better approach to this.

I am late to the party, but here's a way where you can always await the result of the dialog box, as well as not need to worry about calling too many in a row:

First define a static variable and method in your application:

 private static IAsyncOperation<IUICommand> messageDialogCommand = null; public async static Task<bool> ShowDialog(MessageDialog dlg) {    // Close the previous one out    if (messageDialogCommand != null) {       messageDialogCommand.Cancel();       messageDialogCommand = null;    }    messageDialogCommand = dlg.ShowAsync();    await messageDialogCommand;    return true; }

Now, you can pass in any dialog box and always await execution. This is why this returns a bool rather than void. You won't have to worry about collisions between multiples. Why not make this method accept a string? Because of title, and Yes/No command handlers that you may assign into the specific dialog box you are using.

Invoke such as:

await App.ShowDialog(new MessageDialog("FOO!"));


var dlg = new MessageDialog("FOO?", "BAR?");dlg.Commands.Add(new UICommand("Yes", new UICommandInvokedHandler(YesHandler)));dlg.Commands.Add(new UICommand("No", new UICommandInvokedHandler(NoHandler)));await App.ShowDialog(dlg);

There is an answer for this on the MSDN forums that might help you here.

I'm having a similar problem but my showAsync calls are in separate functions on separate threads so I can't drop a done() in there I don't think...