Minimizing Application to system tray using WPF ( Not using NotifyIcon ) Minimizing Application to system tray using WPF ( Not using NotifyIcon ) windows windows

Minimizing Application to system tray using WPF ( Not using NotifyIcon )

If you'll reconsider your reluctance to using an external component, I recommend WPF NotifyIcon. I've used it. It's straightforward and works well.

It does not just rely on the corresponding WinForms component, but is a purely independent control which leverages several features of the WPF framework in order to display rich tooltips, popups, context menus, and balloon messages.

I just came across this post today.

For reference, I also solved this some time back. It works very well and the only time I have had a bit of an issue is occasionally on some multi-display set ups.

This was before GITs and NuGets were the in-thing, I will place it in a GIT repo if there is interest.

CodeProject Article Here

Here is a thread , which helped me a lot .

public partial class Window : System.Windows.Window{public Window(){    InitializeComponent();    System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon ni = new System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon();    ni.Icon = new System.Drawing.Icon("Main.ico");    ni.Visible = true;    ni.DoubleClick +=         delegate(object sender, EventArgs args)        {            this.Show();            this.WindowState = WindowState.Normal;        };}protected override void OnStateChanged(EventArgs e){    if (WindowState == WindowState.Minimized)        this.Hide();    base.OnStateChanged(e);}}