MobaXterm drag-and-drop panel missing MobaXterm drag-and-drop panel missing windows windows

MobaXterm drag-and-drop panel missing

If it still doesn't work when you try all of above methods, try this:

when you creat a Session, change the Advanced SSH setting-->SSH-browser type to SCP, which default is SFTP.. thanks to willfurnass

enter image description here

Some Linux distributions or some other Unix systems have disabled SSH password authentication by default.

In order for MobaXterm to be able to launch the SFTP browser, you will have to re-enable this feature:

  • Edit the "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" file on your server, and comment the following line:PasswordAuthentication no
  • Restart your SSH server using the following command: /etc/init.d/sshd restart
  • Connect using MobaXterm SSH client and you will notice that the SFTP tab will be correctly launched.

If you can not modify your remote server configuration, you can also perform your file transfers inside MobaXterm terminal using SCP. A sample SCP command would be:

scp -r /drives/c/Some/Place/On/Your/Local/Windows/Drive/ yourlogin@yourserver:/Some/Place/On/Your/Remote/Unix/Server/

Ensure you have "Display SFTP Browser" enabled in your session settings under "Advanced SSH settings".

enter image description here

Occasionally it doesn't reappear, which is solved by a restart MobaXterm.