MySQL - ODBC connect fails, Workbench connect works MySQL - ODBC connect fails, Workbench connect works windows windows

MySQL - ODBC connect fails, Workbench connect works


As it turns out, it was a permissions problem. I ran the following command on the remote server SQL:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'(my_host)' IDENTIFIED BY '(my_password)';

I had run the previous command, but without the "IDENTIFIED BY" password. Then, to reset the mysql permissions cache, I also ran


And now it works.

Worked for me too only with 64bit odbc driver not for mySQL 32 bit.

We had a similar case that 'user'@'%' was granted at server but ODBC connect failed at a PC while workbench connect successfully.

MariaDB 10.0.31,MySQL ODBC 3.51,MySQL Workbench 8.0

Solved by install MariaDB Connector/ODBC 3.1 instead of the MySQL ODBC (