NetBeans remote project with svn NetBeans remote project with svn windows windows

NetBeans remote project with svn

Yes just checkout the project right from NetBeans

Follow the steps

  • Open netbeans and click on team menu in toolbar

  • From team menu select subversion and select checkout.

  • Once your checkout is done then it asks you to create projectlocally,Please do create it

  • Then, it automatically sync up with your repository in remote server.

Ok, i figured it out :3

Here is how you can hack netbeans to have svn and remote in same project

  1. connect to your remote server, pull the whole project.
    • it will be located somwhere in your user files like documents/netbeanprojects/name of the project.
  2. Now go the folder and check out the repo from the original svn server...

  3. DONE you have svn with remote :3

(laugh evilly)