No Module Named '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal' No Module Named '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal' windows windows

No Module Named '_pywrap_tensorflow_internal'

I came across the same issue today, please switch to cuDNN v5.1 Library for Windows instead as @mickdelaney suggested and then try to

  1. Check environment settings of CUDA, normally all the settings of CUDA had been added to Windows environment

  2. Copy files in bin, lib and include of cuDNN to bin, lib and include of CUDA respectively. Normally the directory is C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA

And then you can import tensorflow and run your code. Good luck!

I found the solution for the CPU: It worked for me

Just run below command if necessary then update it

pip install tensorflow==1.5

you could uninstall the current version of tensorflow and try a low version such as TensorFlow 0.12 using the code

pip install --upgrade