npm windows install globally results in npm ERR! extraneous npm windows install globally results in npm ERR! extraneous windows windows

npm windows install globally results in npm ERR! extraneous

npm ERR! extraneous means a package is installed but is not listed in your project's package.json.

Since you're listing packages that have been installed globally, it's going to give you a lot of extraneous errors that can be simply ignored because most things installed globally will not be in your project's package.json.

1 & 2: It means you don't have the jshint listed in your project's package.json file but that it is globally installed. So it is not a big problem.

3: To avoid this extraneous error, you can run or re-run the install with the option --save . This will update automatically you package.json file :

npm install -g jshint --save

Or need to update manually your package.json file with a "dependencies": {...}

I resolved this by doing an npm update in the parent package's folder which removed some of the extraneous packages from the list and then did npm uninstall <package> for the remaining few.

Seems to have worked, as I'm getting no errors after doing this.