Opening files with default Windows application from within emacs Opening files with default Windows application from within emacs windows windows

Opening files with default Windows application from within emacs

To extend on the 'org-open-file' proposal:

(defun my-dired-find-file (&optional prefix)    (interactive "P")    (if prefix        (org-open-file (dired-get-file-for-visit) 'system)      (dired-find-file)))(define-key dired-mode-map "\r" 'my-dired-find-file)

Will let you open a file externally with `C-u RET'.

found at

  1. Evaluate the following elisp
  2. Run dired (M-x dired)
  3. Browse to directory and file
  4. With point on file, pressing F3 will open the file based on the windows extension.

    (defun w32-browser (doc) (w32-shell-execute 1 doc))

    (eval-after-load "dired" '(define-key dired-mode-map [f3] (lambda () (interactive) (w32-browser (dired-replace-in-string "/" "\\" (dired-get-filename))))))

I found this terrific web page via google, which let me to a technique using RunDll that works. I'm putting it up here in case anyone else is curious.

Here is the key piece of code, which opens filename using the appropriate application:

(shell-command (concat "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL " (shell-quote-argument filename)))

And here is my full solution. (Note that dired-find-file is just a wrapper round find-file which doesn't know the filename, so that you have to advise find-file rather than dired-find-file as in the question. If you don't want the behaviour for find-file you will probably need to rewrite dired-find-file or write more complicated advice.)

(defun open-externally (filename)  (shell-command (concat "rundll32 shell32,ShellExec_RunDLL " (shell-quote-argument filename))))(defun is-file-type? (filename type)  (string= type (substring filename (- (length filename) (length type)))))(defun should-open-externally? (filename)  (let ((file-types '(".pdf" ".doc" ".xls")))    (member t (mapcar #'(lambda (type) (is-file-type? filename type)) file-types))))(defadvice find-file (around find-file-external-file-advice (filename &optional wildcards))  "Open non-emacs files with an appropriate external program"  (if (should-open-externally? filename)      (open-externally filename)    ad-do-it))(ad-activate 'find-file)