OpenSSL hangs during PKCS12 export with "Loading 'screen' into random state" OpenSSL hangs during PKCS12 export with "Loading 'screen' into random state" windows windows

OpenSSL hangs during PKCS12 export with "Loading 'screen' into random state"

Please try to add winpty before oppenssl:

winpty openssl ...

or you can run a new bash wrapped by winpty:

winpty bash

In the windows console, there is some problem with terminal input/output so winpty can help if some software requires unix terminal behavior.

winpty helped me to run openssl in this environment:

git version 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016

I found that I needed to specify the PFX password on the command line using -passout pass:SomePassword - e.g.:

openssl pkcs12 -export -out foo_example_com.pfx -inkey foo_example_com.key -in foo_example_com.crt -passout pass:Pa55w0rd