Pass environment variable from command line to yarn Pass environment variable from command line to yarn windows windows

Pass environment variable from command line to yarn

i'd suggest you use the NPM module called cross-env. it allows adding particular env variables on the command line regardless of platform. with that said, you may try:

$ cross-env PORT=2344 yarn start:dev

You can chain commands on the Windows command prompt with &(or &&). To set a environment variable you need to use the set command.
The result should look like this: set PORT=1234 && yarn start:dev.

HTH, GL, HF :)

Found a solution for this problem in Windows command prompt.

  1. Create a .env file in project root folder (outside src folder).

  2. Define PORT in it. In my case, contents of .env file will be,


  1. Run yarn start:dev

  2. Application will use port number that you have specified in .env file.