Phone Gap Windows Build access rule Phone Gap Windows Build access rule windows windows

Phone Gap Windows Build access rule

The warnings can be ignored... sort of.

Windows builds break on non-https access rules, so in order to prevent Windows builds from failing while still allowing other platforms to use non-https rules, cordova filters out the non-https rules while preparing a windows build.

Those "rule will be ignored" messages appearing in your console are to let you know the rule has been filtered out before building the Windows project. If the app depends on access granted by a rule that is being filtered out, add another one that meets the Windows rule requirements.

More specifically:

If you are using white-list rules, and you did NOT provide phonegap-version in your config.xml, you get the latest version. It is good to add version to your config.xml and all your plugins

EXAMPLE additions

::<preference name="phonegap-version" value="3.5.0" />::<gap:plugin name="org.apache.cordova.device" version="0.2.12" />

In addition, you need to use the white-list plugin.Please read the following "official" form post:Notes for upgrading to cli-5.1.1 on PGB