Powershell script does not run via Scheduled Tasks Powershell script does not run via Scheduled Tasks windows windows

Powershell script does not run via Scheduled Tasks

Change your Action to:

powershell -noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file C:\path\event4740.ps1

On a Windows 2008 server R2: In Task Scheduler under the General Tab - Make sure the 'Run As' user is set to an account with the right permissions it takes to execute the script.

Also, I believe you have the "Run only when user is logged on" Option checked off. Change that to "Run whether user is logged on or not". Leave the Do Not Store password option unchecked, and you'll probably need the "Run with Highest Privileges" option marked.

Although you may have already found a resolution to your issue, I'm still going to post this note to benefit someone else. I ran into a similar issue.I basically used a different domain account to test and compare. The task ran just fine with "Run whether user is logged on or not" checked.

A couple of things to keep in mind and make sure of:

  1. The account being use to execute task must have "Logon as batch job" rights under the local security policy of the server (or be member of local Admin group). You must specified the account you need to run scripts/bat files.
  2. Make sure you are entering the correct password characters
  3. Tasks in 2008 R2 don't run interactively specially if you run them as "Run whether user is logged on or not". This will likely fail specially if on the script you are looking for any objects\resource specific to a user-profile when the task was created as the powershell session will need that info to start, otherwise it will start and immediately end.As an example for defining $Path when running script as "Run whether user is logged on or not" and I specify a mapped drive. It would look for that drive when the task kicks off, but since the user account validated to run task is not logged in and on the script you are referring back to a source\object that it needs to work against it is not present task will just terminate.mapped drive (\server\share) x:\ vs. Actual UNC path \server\share
  4. Review your steps, script, arguments. Sometimes the smallest piece can make a big difference even if you have done this process many times. I have missed several times a character when entering the password or a semi-colon sometimes when building script or task.

Check this link and hopefully you or someone else can benefit from this info: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722152.aspx

NOTE: Please ensure that you select Create a Basic task Action and NOT the Create Task Action.

I found the following solution:

1) Make powershell.exe run as administrator for this

  1. right-click on the powershell.exe icon
  2. click on properties under the shortcut key menu
  3. click on the advance button; check that "run as administrator" ischecked.

2) in the task scheduler window under the action pane add the following script as a new command

%SystemRoot%\syswow64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -noexit -File "C:\ps1\BackUp.ps1"

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