Practical Alternative for Windows Scheduled Tasks (small shop) Practical Alternative for Windows Scheduled Tasks (small shop) windows windows

Practical Alternative for Windows Scheduled Tasks (small shop)

Consider Cygwin and its version of "cron". It meets requirements #1 thru 4 (though without a nice UI for #3.)

Apologize for kicking up the dust here on a very old thread. But I couldn't disagree more with what's been presented here.

Scheduled tasks in Windows are AWESOME (a %^#% load better than writing services I might add). Yes, not without limitations. But still extremely powerful. I rely on them in earnest for a variety of different things.

If you even have a slight grasp on c# you can write as custom "task" (essentially a console application) to do, well, virtually anything. If persistent/accessible logging is what you're after, why not something like Serilog or NLog? Even at the time of writing, it had a very robust feature set. This tool in and of itself, in conjunction with some c#, could've solved both your problems very easily.

Perhaps I'm missing the point, but it seems to me that this isn't really a problem. At least not anymore...