Print a carriage return in java on windows on console Print a carriage return in java on windows on console windows windows

Print a carriage return in java on windows on console

I had the statement and it worked in the command prompt

System.out.println("This is Java"+'\r'+"That");

and gives me output as

That is Java

That means it works perfectly.

Note: I run it in Windows 7 with JDK 7 and simple notepad.

It is the problem of eclipse, it will take \r as a new line character and will print

This is JavaThat

as output

By "Windows" you mean cmd.exe? And you want to overwrite to the line you previously output, right? Unfortunately I think you need to invoke this Win32 API somehow in order to achieve it

Maybe other Java gurus can provide better answer ...

If you are on Eclipse, you have to enable the control character option on the Console Window.