PrintFixedDocument wpf print quality- Windows 10/8 vs Windows 7 PrintFixedDocument wpf print quality- Windows 10/8 vs Windows 7 windows windows

PrintFixedDocument wpf print quality- Windows 10/8 vs Windows 7

anyone else has experienced this and if so is there a workaround?

That's the only directly answerable question, yes, many. Keep in mind that you often substantially rescale an image on a printer, they are devices with very high dots-per-inch resolution compared to a monitor. A machine that boots Win7 often runs at 96dpi, later ones tend to have better monitors so are often run at higher dpi settings. First thing to watch out for is the source image. If it has a pixel size that's adequate for that Win7 PC then it can get very blurry when it is blown-up to 600 dpi.

Probably the most unintuitive scaling behavior in WPF is what happens when the image alignment does not perfectly match a target pixel after scaling. A problem described well in this blog post. Be sure to also read this SO question, an almost perfect fit for your usage of VisualBrush and its blurriness problem. This problem was addressed in .NET 4.0 with the added UseLayoutRounding property. You are not using it, you definitely should. Don't blindly apply the BitmapScalingMode that the dup recommends, the type of image (line-art vs photo) matters a lot.

I had a similar issue I ended up instead of directly printing to creating a PDF and having that open for the client and they could print it if they wanted just fine.

Windows 7 just seems broken with some of the WPF printing.