Properly notifying all listeners of a system wide named manual reset event and then immediately resetting it Properly notifying all listeners of a system wide named manual reset event and then immediately resetting it windows windows

Properly notifying all listeners of a system wide named manual reset event and then immediately resetting it

I had the same problem and surprisingly couldn't find any good solution on the web for this loose-coupled / fire and forget / multiple listeners type of event, so here is what I came up with.

Note the solution with the timeout between Set() and Reset() calls has also a race-condition issue (beyond the fact it relies on an arbitrary timeout value): if the publisher gets killed between these calls, then all the listeners will see the event as set forever (unless the publisher gets live again).

So the requirement is:

  • there is one publisher (although it's not really enforced in the code)
  • there can be any number of listeners (in the same process or in other processes), between 0 and N (N is fixed once the binaries are compiled).
  • listeners can come and go as they want without disturbing the publisher
  • publisher can come and go as it wants without disturbing the listeners

The trick is to use AutoReset events because they don't have race condition issues, but define one per listener. We don't know the number of listeners beforehand but we can fix a maximum number of listeners ('N' described above):

const int MAX_EVENT_LISTENERS = 10;const string EVENT_NAME = "myEvent_";

Here is the publisher code to raise the event to all potential listeners:

public static void RaiseEvent(){    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_LISTENERS; i++)    {        EventWaitHandle evt;        if (EventWaitHandle.TryOpenExisting(EVENT_NAME + i, out evt))        {            evt.Set();            evt.Dispose();        }    }}

Here is the listener code to get notified of the event:

...EventWaitHandle evt = GetEvent();do{    bool b = evt.WaitOne();    // event was set!}while (true);....// create our own event that no other listener haspublic static EventWaitHandle GetEvent(){    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_EVENT_LISTENERS; i++)    {        bool createdNew;        EventWaitHandle evt = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.AutoReset, EVENT_NAME + i, out createdNew);        if (createdNew)            return evt;        evt.Dispose();    }    throw new Exception("Increase MAX_EVENT_LISTENERS");}

You're using the EventWaitHandle class incorrectly. A reset event shouldn't be used to signal multiple threads. Instead, you need to create a reset event for each thread and then when you're ready loop through them all and use Set(). The master thread should not be calling the Reset() method. Each thread should be responsible for closing the gate behind them so to speak.

Here's a basic example:

static class Program{    static void Main()    {        List<ThreadState> states = new List<ThreadState>();        ThreadState myState;        Thread myThread;        string data = "";        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)        {            myThread = new Thread(Work);            myState = new ThreadState();            myState.gate = new EventWaitHandle(false, EventResetMode.ManualReset);            myState.running = true;            myState.index = i + 1;            states.Add(myState);            myThread.Start(myState);        }        Console.WriteLine("Enter q to quit.");        while (data != "q")        {            data = Console.ReadLine();            if (data != "q")                foreach (ThreadState state in states)                    state.gate.Set();        }        foreach (ThreadState state in states)        {            state.running = false;            state.gate.Set();        }        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to quit.");        Console.ReadKey();    }    static void Work(Object param)    {        ThreadState state = (ThreadState)param;        while (state.running)        {            Console.WriteLine("Thread #" + state.index + " waiting...");            state.gate.WaitOne();            Console.WriteLine("Thread #" + state.index + " gate opened.");            state.gate.Reset();            Console.WriteLine("Thread #" + state.index + " gate closed.");        }        Console.WriteLine("Thread #" + state.index + " terminating.");    }    private class ThreadState    {        public int index;        public EventWaitHandle gate;        public bool running;    }}

You are using the wrong synchronization type here. Instead of an event, you should use the Semaphore class, with the number of simultaneous accesses you wish to permit.

You might also want to have two Semaphores, the second one being for the code that fires the event to check (which the code responding to the event would hold locks on) in case you don't want to have two events in quick succession and have one section of code get in on the tails of another event.