Pycharm GitHub 'Push failed: fatal: Authentication failed' Pycharm GitHub 'Push failed: fatal: Authentication failed' windows windows

Pycharm GitHub 'Push failed: fatal: Authentication failed'

I tried all but it worked me charm :The problem I had : Every thing was working from terminal and from Github desktop as well.But when I tried to PUSH/PULL from pycharm it wasn't working.Reason : It happens because by-default pycharm save password locally in DB.

Work around: Go to File > Settings > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings> Passwords, clicked on 'Do not save..", restarted IntelliJ and VCS asked for password again.

It seems there is some issue (if using https) if username or password contains "some" special characters.

So, I've generated a secondary password ("personal access token") in GitHub's application settings page (using the "Create new token" button), I did copy this token. Then I've selected Auth Type: Token in Settings->Version Control->GitHub, and pasted the token.

Testing it: Connection successful for user . Now the git push works perfectly.

I struggled with this problem for half a day using Git in PyCharm.

Solution: Settings => Version Control => Git => ticked "Use credential helper" and then it worked perfect.