Python 3.4: compile cython module for 64-bit windows Python 3.4: compile cython module for 64-bit windows windows windows

Python 3.4: compile cython module for 64-bit windows

Ok, at long last I managed to make it work.

The fantastic resources by Christoph Gohlke ( are key.

  1. Install your desired Python version in the conventional way
  2. Install any extensions you need from Gohlke's site
  3. Install MinGW-w64 from
  4. Patch distutils as per
  5. Install the appropriate version of libpython from Gohlke's site
  6. Bob's yer uncle

(Trying all sorts of wild suggestions for this task, I have gone through many more steps but as far as I can tell, these are the only ones that actually made a difference in the end)