Python script use while loop to keep updating job scripts and multiprocess the tasks in queue Python script use while loop to keep updating job scripts and multiprocess the tasks in queue windows windows

Python script use while loop to keep updating job scripts and multiprocess the tasks in queue

Where did you define sql_file in multiple_thread() in

multiprocessing.Process(target=query_sql, args=(sql_file)).start()

You have not defined sql_file in the method and moreover you have used that variable in a for loop. The variable's scope is only confined to the for loop.

Try replacing this:

result = func(*args)

by this:

result = func(args)

I have figured this out. Thank your for the response inspired the thought.Now the script can run a while loop to monitor the folder for new updated/added SQL script, and then distribute the data pulling to multiple threads. The solution comes from the queue.get(), and queue.put(). I assume the queue object takes care of the communication by itself.

This is the final code --

from glob import globimport os, timeimport sysimport pypyodbcfrom multiprocessing import Process, Queue, Event, Pool, current_process, freeze_supportdef query_sql(sql_file): #test func    #jsl file processing and SQL querying, data table will be saved to csv.    fo_name = os.path.splitext(sql_file)[0] + '.csv'    fo = open(fo_name, 'w')    print sql_file    fo.write("sql_file {0} is done\n".format(sql_file))    return "Query is done for \n".format(sql_file)def check_files(path):    """    arguments -- root path to monitor    returns   -- dictionary of {file: timestamp, ...}    """    sql_query_dirs = glob(path + "/*/IDABox/")    files_dict = {}    try:        for sql_query_dir in sql_query_dirs:            for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(sql_query_dir):                [files_dict.update({(root + filename): os.path.getmtime(root + filename)}) for                          filename in filenames if filename.endswith('.jsl')]    except:        pass    return files_dictdef worker_main(queue):    print os.getpid(),"working"    while True:        item = queue.get(True)        query_sql(item)def main():    the_queue = Queue()    the_pool = Pool(4, worker_main,(the_queue,))    path = "Y:/"    before = check_files(path) # get the current dictionary of sql_files    while True:         #while loop to check the changes of the files        time.sleep(5)        sql_queue  = []         after = check_files(path)        added = [f for f in after if not f in before]        deleted = [f for f in before if not f in after]        overlapped = list(set(list(after)) & set(list(before)))        updated = [f for f in overlapped if before[f] < after[f]]          before = after          sql_queue = added + updated           if sql_queue:            for jsl_file in sql_queue:                try:                    the_queue.put(jsl_file)                except:                    print "{0} failed with error {1}. \n".format(jsl_file, str(sys.exc_info()[0]))                    pass        else:            passif __name__ == "__main__":    main()