Qt automated testing [closed] Qt automated testing [closed] windows windows

Qt automated testing [closed]

Squish, a framework for automated GUI testing, might also be of interest to you. It supports Qt, among other things.

Found the answer: http://www.ranorex.com/support/user-guide-20/qt-accessible-plugin.html


Exactly what is needed to automate a UI. Will then work with any UI automation software, which I've now learned apparently uses the accessibility API.

I along with my team recently developed TUG, an open-source framework for Qt GUIs Unit Testing. It uses Qt Test. Maybe it can help you.

A video better than a thousand words:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUis6JrycrA

Hope we can make it better together. Github repo: http://pedromateo.github.io/tug_qt_unit_testing_fw/