Random unresolved external symbols that shouldn't be there Random unresolved external symbols that shouldn't be there windows windows

Random unresolved external symbols that shouldn't be there

You can also add an additional library to your linker input i.e, legacy_stdio_definitions.lib

Go to Properties > Linker > Input.

And in Additional Dependencies add the above mentioned library.

The problem is that your glfw static libs were built with a different version of Visual Studio than the one you're using. As of spring 2015, the prebuilt ones on glfw.org are not compatible with Visual Studio 2015 RC (which you appear to be using).

Fortunately, GLFW is a small codebase released under a permissive license, so the easiest solution is just to create a new project for it in your solution. The steps will go something like this:

  1. Create a new empty project GLFW in your solution.
  2. Copy in the include, deps/GL, and create a src folder.
  3. Copy all the source files into the src folder for platforms you intend to support. For windows, this is everything with a win or wgl prefix, or no prefix. You can ignore all the cmake stuff.
  4. Create a file in src called glfw_config.h containing #defines of _GLFW_WIN32, _GLFW_WGL, and _GLFW_USE_OPENGL. If you want to support more than just windows, you'll have to conditionally define the options you want in this file. All the options are described in src/glfw_config.h.in.
  5. Add all the relevant files to the Visual Studio project.
  6. In the project options, set Configuration Type to static lib. Under C/C++ > General, make sure SDL Checks is disabled. And under Preprocessor, add _GLFW_USE_CONFIG_H to the definitions.
  7. Set your main project to depend on the GLFW project (in the right-click menu). Finally, add the correct GLFW lib to your linker dependencies. (I have the output directory for GLFW set up so the correct lib is just $(SolutionDir)GLFW\$(Platform)\$(Configuration)\glfw.lib.)

It looks like there's a misconnect between dynamic and static runtime library linking. The "__imp" prefix on the symbols means your code is looking for something from a DLL, but the libraries you're linking in are probably expecting static runtime libraries.

Bring up the project property pages (under Build->Properties), and look for the C++ category on the left. Under "Code Generation" there should be an entry called "Runtime Library". This is probably currently set to Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd), since it looks like you're compiling in debug mode. Change this to Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd), and recompile everything. See if that now works.