react-native and Visual Studio Emulator for Android react-native and Visual Studio Emulator for Android windows windows

react-native and Visual Studio Emulator for Android

The same symptoms occurred to me when trying to set both React-Native and VS Emulator for Android together, and the following steps solved them:

  1. On the VS Emulator for Android, I checked my emulated phone's IP at the Tools/Network tab. Emulator Adapter #1 refers to the emulated phone.

  2. Then, I headed to the terminal and ran adb connect <ip_address>:5555. That made the emulated phone available to Android Studio as well as to React-Native.

if you already install android studiothen add C:\Users\manu\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools path into environment path (replace your username instead of manu)

if you have not android studio thenneed download adb from

then install



open a new terminal and now adb commnad will work

it is haxm source website