Recognizing cx_Oracle install within PyDev Recognizing cx_Oracle install within PyDev windows windows

Recognizing cx_Oracle install within PyDev

You can try this (after the steps that you already report in your question)

  1. Check if the installation in PyDev is ok (besides showing an error marker for import cx_Oracle)

    import cx_Oracleconn = cx_Oracle.connect('hr/hr@pdborcl')cur = conn.cursor()cur.execute('select 13 from dual')for r in cur.fetchall():    print(r)

    If this works, and prints (13,) the installation is correct. Likely some part of completion could work as well. In addition, Shift+Click on cx_Oracle should report The definition of ... was found at ....

  2. Go to Windows > Preferences > PyDev > Interpreters > Python Interpreter and on the tab Forced builtins add cx_Oracle

    After rebuilding the project, the error markers on the import should go away. (In the little test program I just did a trivial edit and saved.)

For the record:

Eclipse Version: 4.6.0 (Neon)PyDev Version: 5.2.0Python: 3.5.2 (from a virtualenv)