Recommended development web server for Ruby on Rails 3 Recommended development web server for Ruby on Rails 3 windows windows

Recommended development web server for Ruby on Rails 3

I'd recommend the Thin server. Works great both on Linux and Windows. And it's very easy to install: gem install thin. If you are using Rails 3, you may want to add it do your Gemfile instead:

group :development do  gem "thin"end

And then run bundle install.

Once it's installed, you can run it with: rails s thin.

I find it a very fast and clean choice.

Just a note: thin depends on the eventmachine gem. I had a hard time making it work on Windows. You might want to link it to this specific ref in github to avoid trouble:

gem "eventmachine", :git => "", :ref => "6c7997798"

As far as I remember, the last version of eventmachine does not build on Windows.

In Rails 3, you can use Unicorn with ease!

group :development do  gem "unicorn"end

Instead of rails s you start your server by simply running


For more verbose output, use

unicorn -d

Passenger 3 Standalone.As easy as passenger start.

On Windows the best is a VirtualBox instance running the same setup.