Recommended libraries/howtos for using WMI with java? [closed] Recommended libraries/howtos for using WMI with java? [closed] windows windows

Recommended libraries/howtos for using WMI with java? [closed]

I don't know of any books specific to Java, but If I can offer some advice it would be to just start with WMI MSDN documentation. Also, since WMI is a COM based API, I would look into using a Java to COM bridge for accessing the API. Any one of the following should work:

For a Java wrapper around WMI, there is the jWMI library.

I would like to spread some word of warning regarding the jWMI: in case you do not have control over the systems where your app will run (say simple desktop application), expect issues with the antiviruses. jWMI is not a real library, but merely a utility. It creates a jwmi.vbs file on flight and simply tries to execute it with the "cmd /c" Runtime call. As you might imagine, the antiviruses are typically not happy with such behaviour and sandbox/block the file immediately.

Below is an example of using Jawin to get the system uptime using WMI.

To run the code, you will need to download Jawin library and add jawin.dll to your eclipse project root

public static void main(String[] args) throws COMException {String computerName = "";String userName = "";String password = "";String namespace = "root/cimv2";String queryProcessor = "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem";DispatchPtr dispatcher = null;try {    ISWbemLocator locator = new ISWbemLocator(            "WbemScripting.SWbemLocator");    ISWbemServices wbemServices = locator.ConnectServer(computerName,            namespace, userName, password, "", "", 0, dispatcher);    ISWbemObjectSet wbemObjectSet = wbemServices.ExecQuery(            queryProcessor, "WQL", 0, null);    DispatchPtr[] results = new DispatchPtr[wbemObjectSet.getCount()];    IUnknown unknown = wbemObjectSet.get_NewEnum();    IEnumVariant enumVariant = (IEnumVariant) unknown            .queryInterface(IEnumVariant.class);    enumVariant.Next(wbemObjectSet.getCount(), results);    for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {        ISWbemObject wbemObject = (ISWbemObject) results[i]                .queryInterface(ISWbemObject.class);        System.out.println("Uptime: "                + wbemObject.get("LastBootUpTime"));    }} catch (COMException e) {    e.printStackTrace();}