Run Docker on Windows without virtualization Run Docker on Windows without virtualization windows windows

Run Docker on Windows without virtualization

like it is on Linux.

On Linux, it is "Docker on Linux". If you want to run that docker on Windows, you need a VM: VirtualBox or, with docker 1.12, Hyper-V: see getting started.
But even that "Docker for Windows" is there to create a Linux VM, where Docker on Linux can operate.

And there is a Docker for AWS beta just announced yesterday.Again, that would use a Linux instance. An instance is a virtual server in the AWS cloud.
That would still be for enabling Docker on Linux.

Docker on Windows will be available only on Windows Server 2016 TP5+: see its documentation.
That is the only one which would run actual Windows image as containers.

Seems like now you can actually run linux docker container on windows without any virtualization. Simply use the Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL). But a little bit of manual setup is required (I think it's not too hard). Check these links for more details:

I just stumbled on that medium article and it is very much worth to be mentioned here. However: I did't try it myself yet.

The second link describes the details. Basically you'll have to do the following within WSL:

  1. Make sure to have Windows 10 Version 1803 Build 1734 or higher
  2. install a debian like distro to the WSL
  3. install and configure docker-ce version 17.09 (much earlier or later versions seem to not work)
  4. manually setup a startup task that starts the docker service and cgroupfs after reboot