running R from windows command prompt running R from windows command prompt windows windows

running R from windows command prompt

Bart's post is correct, but this can be done simpler. If the code

f1 <- function() {  print("A")}f2 <- function() {  print("B")}f1()f2()

is in a file 'myRcode.R'; then

Rscript myRcode.R

will load and execute it, including the two function calls.

Rscript.exe is in the same directory as R.exe -- which one may have to add to the $PATH.

The following "works on my machine" (not Windows though, but it should...):

If your functions.txt looks like:

f1 <- function(){  print("A")}f2 <- function(){  print("B")}

the command:

Rscript -e "source('functions.txt');f1();f2()" > out.txt

should create the file out.txt containing:

[1] "A"[1] "B"

Here's a command line script, based on code above:

d:\misc2\bin\Rscript.exe    d:\r_code\mycode.r

Using Windows 7, I ran it as a .bat file. Works fine. Thanks for the tip. (of course, these are just my particular subdirectories)