Sharing a Windows mapped drive Sharing a Windows mapped drive windows windows

Sharing a Windows mapped drive

Yes you can !

On W2008R2: Go into

Server Manager -Roles--Install File Services---Install File Server & Distributed File System (DFS) Namespaces and Replication

Now you can go on Administrative tool - DFS Management - and in namespace you can add you share map drive

Dont know why there are down votes for user3613052's answer. MKLink will be able to do that. It creates a symbolic link to the shared folder which can then be shared.

MKLink /D D:\newlink \\networkpc\folderNet Share Media=D:\newlink

Then you can access the drive by \\yourpc\newlink

DFS is indeed the answer.

map network drive. R-click to creat shortcut for that mapped drive.

Open DFS (as stated above)new namespace, enter name of server, enter any name for folder

Once created, copy/move your shortcut into the namespace folder Default location is c:\dfsroots\

sweet - thanks.