Speech recognition using a real time stream Speech recognition using a real time stream windows windows

Speech recognition using a real time stream

@Justcarty thanks for the clarification, here is my Explanation why Code of OP wont work and what need to be done in order to make it work.

In C# for the speech recongintion and synthesis , you probably confused by the documentation where we are having two Speech DLL's
1. Microsoft Speech DLL (Microsoft.speech.dll)2. System Speech DLL (System.Speech.Dll)

System.speech dll is a part of the windows OS . The two libraries are similar in the sense that the APIs are almost, but not quite, the same. So, if you’re searching online for speech examples , from the code snippets you get you may not tell whether they explaining to System.Speech or Microsoft.Speech.

So for Adding a Speech to the C# application you need to use the Microsoft.Speech library, not the System.Speech library.

Some of the key differences are summarized belows

|-------------------------|---------------------||  Microsoft.Speech.dll    | System.Speech.dll  ||-------------------------|---------------------||Must install separately  |                     ||                         | Part of the OS      ||                         |  (Windows Vista+)   ||-------------------------|---------------------||Must construct Grammars  | Uses Grammars or    ||                           free dictation      || ------------------------|--------------------|

For more Read the Following Article , it explains the correct way to implement