Tagging images with php Tagging images with php windows windows

Tagging images with php

You can use

  • iptcembed to embed binary IPTC data into a JPEG image
  • exif-read-data to read the EXIF headers from JPEG or TIFF
  • How to read a Title tag from a JPEG file

    getimagesize('./phplogo.jpg', $info);$title = '';if (isset($info["APP13"])) {   $iptc  = iptcparse ($info["APP13"]);   $title = (isset($iptc["2#085"][0])) ? $iptc["2#085"][0] : NULL;}print $title;

    How to add Title tag to a JPEG
    Notes: You have only to manipulate $iptc array and to specify to file path
    this is a working example from iptcembed

    // iptc_make_tag() function by Thies C. Arntzenfunction iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value){    $length = strlen($value);    $retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);    if($length < 0x8000)    {        $retval .= chr($length >> 8) .  chr($length & 0xFF);    }    else    {        $retval .= chr(0x80) .                    chr(0x04) .                    chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) .                    chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) .                    chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) .                    chr($length & 0xFF);    }    return $retval . $value;}// Path to jpeg file$path = './phplogo.jpg';// Set the IPTC tags$iptc = array(    '2#085' => 'Anis TITLE');// Convert the IPTC tags into binary code$data = '';foreach($iptc as $tag => $string){    $tag = substr($tag, 2);    $data .= iptc_make_tag(2, $tag, $string);}// Embed the IPTC data$content = iptcembed($data, $path);// Write the new image data out to the file.$fp = fopen($path, "wb");fwrite($fp, $content);fclose($fp);

    Here the complet list of IPTC indexes

    DEFINE('IPTC_OBJECT_NAME',                      '2#005');DEFINE('IPTC_EDIT_STATUS',                      '2#007');DEFINE('IPTC_PRIORITY',                         '2#010');DEFINE('IPTC_CATEGORY',                         '2#015');DEFINE('IPTC_SUPPLEMENTAL_CATEGORY',            '2#020');DEFINE('IPTC_FIXTURE_IDENTIFIER',               '2#022');DEFINE('IPTC_KEYWORDS',                         '2#025');DEFINE('IPTC_RELEASE_DATE',                     '2#030');DEFINE('IPTC_RELEASE_TIME',                     '2#035');DEFINE('IPTC_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTIONS',             '2#040');DEFINE('IPTC_REFERENCE_SERVICE',                '2#045');DEFINE('IPTC_REFERENCE_DATE',                   '2#047');DEFINE('IPTC_REFERENCE_NUMBER',                 '2#050');DEFINE('IPTC_CREATED_DATE',                     '2#055');DEFINE('IPTC_CREATED_TIME',                     '2#060');DEFINE('IPTC_ORIGINATING_PROGRAM',              '2#065');DEFINE('IPTC_PROGRAM_VERSION',                  '2#070');DEFINE('IPTC_OBJECT_CYCLE',                     '2#075');DEFINE('IPTC_BYLINE',                           '2#080');DEFINE('IPTC_BYLINE_TITLE',                     '2#085');DEFINE('IPTC_CITY',                             '2#090');DEFINE('IPTC_PROVINCE_STATE',                   '2#095');DEFINE('IPTC_COUNTRY_CODE',                     '2#100');DEFINE('IPTC_COUNTRY',                          '2#101');DEFINE('IPTC_ORIGINAL_TRANSMISSION_REFERENCE',  '2#103');DEFINE('IPTC_HEADLINE',                         '2#105');DEFINE('IPTC_CREDIT',                           '2#110');DEFINE('IPTC_SOURCE',                           '2#115');DEFINE('IPTC_COPYRIGHT_STRING',                 '2#116');DEFINE('IPTC_CAPTION',                          '2#120');DEFINE('IPTC_LOCAL_CAPTION',                    '2#121');

    You could use PHPExiftool to write metadata in a file as follows (quote from the github page):

    <?phprequire __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';use Monolog\Logger;use PHPExiftool\Writer;use PHPExiftool\Driver\Metadata\Metadata;use PHPExiftool\Driver\Metadata\MetadataBag;use PHPExiftool\Driver\Tag\IPTC\ObjectName;use PHPExiftool\Driver\Value\Mono;$logger = new Logger('exiftool');$Writer = Writer::create($logger);$bag = new MetadataBag();$bag->add(new Metadata(new ObjectName(), new Mono('Pretty cool subject')));$Writer->write('image.jpg', $bag);

    And in case you would like to keep track of the metadatas you've written you could easily use php's md5_file() function to get an identifier of the file whose metadatas you've modified and then write a line in a text file with the resulted hash followed by the metadatas you've written separated by a delimitor such as "," (comma). Each line in that text file would represent a file modified by your script.