Tensorflow: Not a supported wheel on this platform Tensorflow: Not a supported wheel on this platform windows windows

Tensorflow: Not a supported wheel on this platform

Explicitly use python 3.5 when you create your Anaconda environment. IE:

create -n tensorflow python=3.5

then run the following command to install tensorflow:

pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade https://storage.googleapis.com/tensorflow/windows/cpu/tensorflow-1.0.1-cp35-cp35m-win_amd64.whl

Then you can successful do the Hello Tensorflow example from https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_windows

Use python 3.5

conda create -n tensorflow python=3.5

I've encountered the same problem recently when trying to install tensorflow v1.0 on azure vm. None of anaconda versions worked for me.
So I decided to try upgrading tensorflow to v1.0 on my local pc to see if the error will be reproducible. This resulted in the same error (even though I've installed r0.12 successfully just couple weeks ago).

Reading tensorflow installation notes carefully I've noticed the following sentence:

The Anaconda installation is community supported, not officially supported.

So I've decided to try python 3.5.2 from python.org and this worked immediately.

I believe the problem here is that the latest tensorflow version (1.0) does not work with anaconda yet. Nevertheless if you still want to use anaconda you can try tensorflow r0.12, but keep in mind that doing so is not recommended and there were breaking changes from r0.12 to 1.0