Test if a Font is installed Test if a Font is installed windows windows

Test if a Font is installed

string fontName = "Consolas";float fontSize = 12;using (Font fontTester = new Font(        fontName,        fontSize,        FontStyle.Regular,        GraphicsUnit.Pixel)) {    if (fontTester.Name == fontName)    {        // Font exists    }    else    {        // Font doesn't exist    }}

How do you get a list of all the installed fonts?

var fontsCollection = new InstalledFontCollection();foreach (var fontFamily in fontsCollection.Families){    if (fontFamily.Name == fontName) {...} \\ check if font is installed}

See InstalledFontCollection class for details.

Enumerating Installed Fonts

Thanks to Jeff, I have better read the documentation of the Font class:

If the familyName parameter specifies a font that is not installed on the machine running the application or is not supported, Microsoft Sans Serif will be substituted.

The result of this knowledge:

    private bool IsFontInstalled(string fontName) {        using (var testFont = new Font(fontName, 8)) {            return 0 == string.Compare(              fontName,              testFont.Name,              StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);        }    }