"The filename or extension is too long error" using gradle "The filename or extension is too long error" using gradle windows windows

"The filename or extension is too long error" using gradle

Just add this plugin ManifestClasspath in your build.gradle file and specify the manifest classpath.ManifestClasspath plugin creates a manifest jar for jar files in the classpath of JavaExec task and sets the classpath with the manifest jar.

plugins {    id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.1.4.RELEASE'    id 'java'    id "com.github.ManifestClasspath" version "0.1.0-RELEASE"       }apply plugin: 'io.spring.dependency-management'apply plugin: 'application'mainClassName = 'com.example.demo.Application'dependencies { }

I had similar problem, in my situation this works fine:

 task pathingJar(type: Jar) {      dependsOn configurations.runtime      appendix = 'pathing'      doFirst {         manifest {             attributes "Class-Path": configurations.runtime.files.collect {it.toURL().toString().replaceFirst("file:/", '/')}.join(" ")         }     } } bootRun {     dependsOn pathingJar     doFirst {         classpath = files("$buildDir/classes/main", "$buildDir/resources/main", pathingJar.archivePath)     } }

If you use JetBrains Intellij Idea, you could solve it with one simple setting. Go to Run/Debug configuration and set Shorten command line to "JAR manifest". You should set it for each configuration you run, though.

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