"The system cannot find the path specified." error message when trying to start GlassFish with asadmin "The system cannot find the path specified." error message when trying to start GlassFish with asadmin windows windows

"The system cannot find the path specified." error message when trying to start GlassFish with asadmin

  1. Go to asenv.bat file in config directory
  2. remove line set AS_JAVA="C:/Program Files(x86)/Java/"
  3. retry asadmin.

It will work this time!.

I fixed this issue by editing glassfish3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat as described in domain1 not configured -- The system cannot find the path specified

then I got an error because no domains existed, that was solved by editing glassfish3\bin\asadmin.bat as described in Oracle Glassfish "There is no Domain" Issue Fix Solution

Hi I was facing the same issue. I am able to resolve the same issue by following below steps:

Go to \glassfish\config (Note: In my case it is c:\glassfish3\glassfish\config)

Now open asenv.bat in notepad.

Make the value of AS_JAVA same as JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Now open command prompt and go to the bin folder and run asadmin start-domain domain1.

If you are getting error that no domain exist then create new domain by following below link:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19776-01/820-4497/create-domain-1/index.html