Triggering taskbar button flash from batch file? Triggering taskbar button flash from batch file? windows windows

Triggering taskbar button flash from batch file?

It is very easy to do using a very simple external *.exe. It simply has to call the FlashWindowEx function of the Windows API.

This is a sample Delphi console application:

program flashwnd;{$APPTYPE CONSOLE}uses  SysUtils, Windows;var  OldTitle, UniqueTitle: string;  h: HWND;  c: cardinal;  fwi: TFlashWInfo;begin  try    h := GetConsoleWindow();    c := 10;    if ParamCount = 1 then      c := StrToInt(ParamStr(1));    FillChar(fwi, sizeof(fwi), 0);    fwi.cbSize := sizeof(fwi);    fwi.hwnd := h;    fwi.dwFlags := FLASHW_ALL;    fwi.uCount := c;    fwi.dwTimeout := 0;    FlashWindowEx(fwi);  except    on E: Exception do      Writeln(E.ClassName + ': ' + E.Message);  end;end.

Simply call it like


to flash the current console window ten times. Call

flashwnd 27

to flash the window 27 times.