Tutorial for installing numpy with OpenBLAS on Windows Tutorial for installing numpy with OpenBLAS on Windows windows windows

Tutorial for installing numpy with OpenBLAS on Windows

Year 2021: this works with miniconda on Windows 10

conda create -n openblas python=3.8conda activate openblasconda install conda-forge::blas=*=openblasconda install -c conda-forge numpy

Tested also with matplotlib-base.

Tried following the building instructions in http://scipy.github.io/devdocs/building/windows.html a number of times without success.


After extensive reading of the logs and related forums, came up with a method that has worked for me in two windows machines already. Posted a batch file with the steps I used in https://github.com/jhvital/build-scipy-openblas.

The show_config method shows linkage to openblas libraries, and this was confirmed by comparing the runtimes of scripts against the scipy installed with conda install scipy, which installs the mkl package.

Still I'm not entirely sure whether the libraries were linked correctly. Feedback would be appreciated.

The build instructions for SciPy is tested a number of times and it seems to be working.

You can find the instructions here http://scipy.github.io/devdocs/building/windows.html

Note that this is still a very delicate procedure and needs to be done very carefully. It still does not guarantee success thanks to Windows being Windows. However please take the time to report any issues should you encounter any at https://github.com/scipy/scipy.org/issues (notice it is not the scipy repo but but scipy.org repo)