Unable to start RabbitMq Service after uninstalling and then Re-installing RabbitMQ Unable to start RabbitMq Service after uninstalling and then Re-installing RabbitMQ windows windows

Unable to start RabbitMq Service after uninstalling and then Re-installing RabbitMQ

I also ran into this problem recently.

These simple steps solved the issue for me:

  • Open Regedit.exe

  • Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ericsson\Erlang\ErlSrv\1.1\RabbitMQ

  • Remove that key

Now running rabbitmq-service.bat install is successful.

Try to remove the service and reinstall it using the following steps:

  1. Open CMD as administrator and navigate to the sbin folder (Mine is C:\Program Files\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server-3.7.4\sbin)

  2. Remove RabbitMQ service by:

    rabbitmq-service.bat remove

  3. Reinstall it by:

    rabbitmq-service.bat install

  4. Start the service by:

    rabbimq-service.bat start