Uninstall without an MSI file Uninstall without an MSI file windows windows

Uninstall without an MSI file

Please note that Microsoft has now released an official tool to resolve these issues, without the problems that previously existed with MSIZAP.

Take a look at a tool called MSIZap released by Microsoft.


MsiZap.exe has been deprecated for quite some time. Its use is unsupported on all recent versions of Windows, and it is considered a very unsafe tool to use.

I added a link to a newer Microsoft support tool designed to clean out installations, but this tool also appears deprecated at this point. I have removed the link from the comments section.

Perhaps try the tool linked to in saschabeaumont's answer below.

FYI, this post explains the root problem https://superuser.com/q/293542/245923

You can uninstall it using the product code:

msiexec.exe /x {your-product-code-guid}

You would obtain this code from the MSI itself, or whatever tool you are using to build the MSI.

Note that when you uninstall a product, it uses a cached MSI, since only the original MSI knows how to uninstall itself. When you use the product code, it uses the cached MSI from C:\WINDOWS\Installer.