VirtualAlloc() failed: [0x00000008] Not enough storage is available to process this command VirtualAlloc() failed: [0x00000008] Not enough storage is available to process this command windows windows

VirtualAlloc() failed: [0x00000008] Not enough storage is available to process this command

Your project may not be setup on the appropriate architecture.

Is your PHP 32 bit? Check the PHP_INT_SIZE constant to find out.

print_r(PHP_INT_SIZE); # 4 == 32bit // 8 == 64bit

Windows Server 2008 R2 is an x64 operating system, so an x86 version of Apache +/- x86 PHP could be capping the memory you may have installed on your machine and are trying to allocate. You won't be able to allocate more than 2G on on x86 version.

I was getting this error if I do

composer update

It worked for me when I tried

composer install

I was facing the same error and this command fixed issue for me on localhost

php -d memory_limit=-1 "C:/ProgramData/ComposerSetup/bin/composer.phar"

then do composer update