What can cause a program to run much faster the second time? What can cause a program to run much faster the second time? windows windows

What can cause a program to run much faster the second time?

Three things to try:

  • Run it in a sampling profiler, including a "cold" run (first thing after a reboot). Should usually be enough.
  • Check memory usage, does it grow so high (even transiently) the OS would have to swap things out of RAM to make room for your app? That alone could be an explanation for what you're seeing. Also look at the amount of free RAM you have when you start your app.
  • Enable system performance tools and check the I/O counters or file accesses, and make sure under FileMon / Process Explorer that you don't have some file or network accesses you've forgotten about (leftover log/test code)

Even (especially) for very small command-line program, the issue can be the time it takes to load the process, link to dynamically-linked libraries etc. I believe modern operating systems avoid repeating a lot of this work if the same program is run twice at once, or repeatedly.

I wouldn't dismiss CPU cache so easily, as well. Level 0 cache is very relevant for inner loops, but much less so for a second run of the same application. On my cheap Athlon 2 X4 645 system, there's 64K + 64K (data + instruction) level 0 cache per core - not exactly a huge amount of memory. Level 1 cache is IIRC 512K per core, so less likely to be dirtied to complete irrelevance by the O/S code needed to start up a new run of the program, calls to operating system services and standard libraries, etc. Level 2 cache (on CPUs that have it - my Athlon 2 doesn't, IIRC) is larger still, and there may be some even higher level and larger cache provided by the motherboard/chipset.

There's at least one other kind of cache - branch prediction tables. Though I'd have thought they'd be dirtied to irrelevance even quicker than the level 0 cache.

I generally find that unit test programs run many times slower the first time. However, the larger and more complex the program, the less significant the effect.

For some time now, performance of applications has often been considered non-deterministic. Although it isn't strictly true, the performance is determined by so many hard-to-predict factors that it's a good model. For example, if the CPU is a bit warm, the clock speed may be reduced to prevent overheating. And the temperature varies at different parts of the chip, with changes conducting across the chip in complex ways. As changes in clock speed and the different demands of different pieces of code alter the patterns of changing temperature, there's a clear potential for chaotic (as in chaos theory) behaviour.

On some platforms, I wouldn't be surprised if the first run of the program got the processor to run if it's "fast" (rather than cool/quiet) mode, and that meant that the beginning of the second run benefitted from that speed boost as well as the end. However, this would be a tricky one - it would have to be a CPU-intensive program, and if your cooling is inadequate, the processor may then slow down again to avoid overheating.

I'd guess it's all your libraries/DLLs. These are usually loaded on-demand at run-time, so the first time your program runs the OS will have to read them all from disk. Once read, though, they'll stay loaded unless your system starts running low on memory. So if you run the same program several times in succession, the first run takes the brunt of the load time, and the other runs benefit from the pre-loaded libraries.